Globalized heritage in Asia:
regional articulations, silences, contestations

Institut Confucius de l'Université de Genève Route de Lausanne 266, Chambésy

Colloque organisé par Le Pôle / l'Institut de gouvernance de l'environnement et développement territorial (GEDT) et l'Institut Confucius de l'Université de Genève.

"Heritage has today become a globalized category involving multiple forms, categories and national phenomena. If current global forms predominately have European origins, they have within the last few decades become appropriated on a massive scale, yet also rearticulated and reshaped by Asian countries (Winter and Daly, 2012). If Asia just a couple of decades was considered underrepresented on the global scene, heritage-making in Asia today, in some regards at least, outpacing other regions, yet also leading to new ways of thinking and practicing heritage.
This workshop explores the nature of heritage, its universalities and particularities in distinct Asian contexts. Are there specific Asian processes of heritage-making and how do they manifest themselves in different heritage arenas? What characterizes the forms, meanings and approaches in terms of similarities and differences across heritage in both tangible and intangible forms? How are these articulated and what are the specific forms of silences, negotiations and contestations this leads to? We aim to explore particular national processes and heritage practices with a particular focus on how heritage is considered, forgotten, contested or silenced at local, regional and national levels."

Reflecting on 25 Years of China Activities at the FHNW

Hôtel Continental Place de la Gare 2, , Lausanne

Conférence de M. Michael JEIVE, professeur et chef de la recherche et du conseil auprès du Centre Chine de la School of Business de la HES du Nord-Ouest de la Suisse (FHNW), dans le cadre de l'assemblée générale de la Section romande de la Société Suisse-Chine (SRSSC).

Hôtel Continental, place de la Gare 2, Lausanne, AG à 18:00, conférence à 18:30.
Accueil dès 17h30.

Membres de la SRSSC et de la Société Suisse-Chine: gratuit.
Une participation de CHF 40,-- est demandée aux non-membres et de CHF 15,-- aux étudiants et étudiantes sur présentation de leur carte.

Inscription obligatoire en ligne d'ici au vendredi 24 mai 2019.

CHF 40

The US-China Power Struggle


Conférence de M. Ronnie CHAN, président, Hang Lung Properties

Organisation: Asia Leaders Series
Savoy Baur en Ville, Zurich

"The standoff between the US and China reflects a clash between two divergent systems with markedly different world views. With China's GDP is expected to surpass that of the USA by 2025, are we witnessing the beginning of a full-blown economic and military rivalry? In this gathering of senior leaders at the Savoy in Zurich, Mr. Chan will share his outspoken views on the US-China Trade War. We will engage Mr. Chan in a vigorous debate to reveal his views on the future of US-China relations."

CHF 350

Innovationspartner Schweiz-China: Realität oder Illusion?

Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz Von Roll-Strasse 10, Olten

Dans le cadre du Swiss China Update 2019

"China fordert Europa, die USA und auch die Schweiz heraus. Die Schweiz pflegt seit Jahrzehnten intensive diplomatische und wirtschaftliche Kontakte mit der Weltmacht China. Seit 2016 besteht eine strategische Partnerschaft im Bereich Innovation. Wie soll man sich diese Partnerschaft konkret vorstellen? Kann die Schweiz als Innovationsweltmeister von dieser Zusammenarbeit profitieren oder ist eher das Gegenteil der Fall? Dieser Frage geht das Swiss China Update 2019 nach."

Asiatische Gäste? Fluch oder Segen

Conférence de M. Jürg STETTLER, HES de Lucerne ITW.

"Die Zahl der asiatischen Gäste hat in der Zentralschweiz und insbesondere in Luzern in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen. Das generiert eine beachtliche Wertschöpfung und zusätzliche Arbeitsplätze. Gleichzeitig führen das starke Wachstum sowie die zeitliche und räumliche Konzentration der Besucherströme zu Kapazitäts- und Akzeptanzproblemen. Wie ist diese Entwicklung zu beurteilen und welche Möglichkeiten und Grenzen gibt es in Bezug auf die Lenkung der Besucherströme und die Entwicklung des Tourismus?"

Herrenhaus, Grafenort

Islam(s) in China:
Reflecting on Muslim Diversity

Institut Confucius de l'Université de Genève Route de Lausanne 266, Chambésy

Colloque organisé par l'Institut Confucius de l'Université de Genève.

The diversity of Islam that we observe today in China has its origins in a centuries-old relationship with Chinese society, which has taken many forms and touched upon various political, institutional, cultural or economic issues. While we tend to posit a global Islam that exists as an abstract ideal, we attempt at the same time to remain mindful of the regional variations that makes it impossible to reduce such a tradition to a monolith. The emergence of new approaches to the study of religion and ethnic minorities has challenged previous research methodologies. In the PRC especially, and for more than thirty years already, the presence of foreign Muslims, new conversions to Islam, ethnic blending, or the emergence of new policies to project Islamic cultural heritage, encompass a complex mosaic of accommodation, adjustment, preservation, and, at times, resistance, which reveal new meanings created by communities who attempt to reconcile perceived disparities between Islamic ideals and changing social realities. This Islamic revival is a new phenomenon that complexifies even further the study of Islam in China. Framed by diverse reflections throughout China, this workshop aims to discuss broadly this large process and to highlight differences among places, times, and individuals with ambition of giving new perspectives on the study of Islam and its diversity in China.