Paysages partagés 景观共享


Art Talk et exposition avec Cliché 成见 de Mme LUO Mingjun 罗明君, Present 礼物 de M. LI Wei 黎薇 et Identity 身份 de Mme Marina POROBIC

Atelier de Mme LUO Mingjun, Haute Route 45a, Bienne
Prix: membres gratuit, non membres CHF 20,--, étudiants et étudiants CHF 10,--

CHF 20

China, America, and the Fracturing of the Global Trading System

Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement Maison de la Paix, Genève

Lancement du livre de M. Paul BLUSTEIN, journaliste et auteur, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI)

"History was heralded when China joined the WTO in 2001, for good reason: the world’s most populous nation was entering the rules-based system that has long governed international commerce. But the full ramifications of that event are only now becoming apparent, as the Chinese economic juggernaut evolved in profoundly troublesome ways. Journalist and CIGI Senior Fellow, Paul Blustein, chronicles the contentious process resulting in China’s WTO membership and the transformative changes that followed, both good and bad – for China, for its trading partners and for the global trading system as a whole. Schism recounts how China opened its markets and underwent far-reaching reforms that fuelled its economic takeoff, but shifted to a model of heavy state intervention that is fundamentally at odds with the principles guiding other major economies. Events took a potentially catastrophic turn in 2018 when the Trump administration initiated a trade war with Beijing. Regardless of how that confrontation unfolds, the foundations of the rules-based trading system have been fractured. And the world will be grappling for decades with the challenges posed by China Inc."

Alles ist Kunst. Alles ist Politik.


Table ronde à l'occasion de la remise du prix Frank-Schirrmacher 2019 à M. AI Weiwei, artiste la participation de M. AI Weiwei, de Mme Micheline CALMY-REY, ancienne conseillère fédérale et de M. Uli SIGG, homme d'affaires, collectionneur d'art contemporain chinois et ancien ambassadeur de Suisse en Chine (1995-1998).Salle KOH-B-10Université de Zurich, Rämistrasse 71, ZurichOrganisation: Institut [...]