After Sales Service in China

Switzerland Global Enterprise Stampfenbachstrasse 85, Zurich

Impulse Event At the Impulse Event: After-Sales Service in China on November 22, 2017 in Zurich, you will learn how providing product-accompanying services can help set your business apart from the competition, how to create customer loyalty and how providing these services can help your company tap into new areas of business. At the event, the ZHAW (Zurich University of Applied Sciences) and the HTW Chur (University of Applied Sciences) will present their collective CTI project guidelines for After-Sales Services in China. PricewaterhouseCoopers will show you around on the playground of the after sales business including topics such as potential obstacles, opportunities and why using the correct tariff codes is one of the basic instruments. In addition, Swiss companies, including Turbo-Separator AG and Bühler Group, will talk about their experiences and provide you with valuable insights into their steps towards internationalization in two practical breakout sessions. The event will be rounded off with a business lunch, which will give you plenty of time to make new contacts."

Innovation in China: Which Impact on the World and our Business?

Un séminaire en ligne dans la série "Droit de l'innovation", où interviendront plusieurs spécialistes: Mme Simone KAISER, Éditions Weblaw, le Prof. Daniel KRAUS, directeur du Centre pour le droit de l'innovation à l'Université de Neuchâtel, Me Lukas BÜHLMANN, juriste, Me Jean-Christophe LIEBESKIND, avocat, et le Prof. Olivier HARI, Schellenberg & Wittmer.