The End of Shanghai Jazz, or:
New Sounds for New China (1945-1955)

Université de Genève Uni Mail, Genève

Webinaire avec M. Andreas STEEN, Université d'Aarhus, dans le cadre du séminaire de Mme la professeure Laure ZHANG, Les Hommes et les événements de la Chine du 20e siècle (1840-1976).
"The founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 is a decisive moment in modern Chinese history. The new government and its policy had an immediate effect on the economy, culture and society, especially reflected in the media, which were seen as important instruments to both inform and unite the population. Broadcasting and record production were crucial components of the new nationalized media setting, strengthened and expanded to radically change China’s sonic environment. In this lecture, Prof. Andreas Steen will take a close look at Shanghai’s recording industry and its transition from an international capitalist enterprise to a national and socialist propaganda tool. He will begin with an introduction to Shanghai’s post war soundscape, then address the specific changes of 1949, and in a third part illustrate the re-organization of the music industry. His focus will be on individual agency and adaptation, on songs and silences, to grasp both the experience and the organizational complexity of shifting soundscapes."
