My Camera Doesn’t Lie


Projection du documentaire de Mme Solveigh KLASSEN et de Mme Katharina SCHNEIDER-ROOS, en présence de cette dernière.

"Der Dokumentarfilm ist eine Bestandesaufnahme des unabhängigen Filmschaffens in den 1990-er Jahren in China. Filmemacher der sogenannten 6. Generation wie LIU Hao (Chen Mo und Meiting, Berlinale Forum 2002), LI Yu (Fish and Elephant), WANG Quanan (Lunar Eclipse), JU Anqi (There Is a Strong Wind in Beijing) und JIA Zhangke (Pickpocket) berichten über ihre Erfahrungen und Schwierigkeiten bei der Arbeit. Ohne Drehgenehmigung arbeiten sie mit kleinen Budgets und setzen ihre oftmals sehr kritische Sicht auf das heutige China filmisch um. In einem Land, in dem keine Redefreiheit und eine strenge Zensur existieren, können diese Filme nur in kleinen Filmbars und auf unabhängigen Filmfestivals gezeigt werden."

Länderberatung China

Switzerland Global Enterprise Stampfenbachstrasse 85, Zurich

Conseil avec M. Leo PENG, agent commercial SBH Chine, et M. Daniel BONT, Switzerland Global Enterprise, conseiller.

Entretiens-pays Chine

Switzerland Global Enterprise - Renens Chemin du Closel 3, Renens

Conseil avec M. Leo PENG, agent commercial, SBH Chine.

Länderberatung China

Switzerland Global Enterprise Stampfenbachstrasse 85, Zurich

Conseil avec M. Leo PENG, agent commercial SBH Chine, et M. Daniel BONT, Switzerland Global Enterprise, conseiller.

Länderberatung China

Switzerland Global Enterprise Stampfenbachstrasse 85, Zurich

Conseil avec M. Leo PENG, agent commercial SBH Chine, et M. Daniel BONT, Switzerland Global Enterprise, conseiller.

Globalized heritage in Asia:
regional articulations, silences, contestations

Institut Confucius de l'Université de Genève Route de Lausanne 266, Chambésy

Colloque organisé par Le Pôle / l'Institut de gouvernance de l'environnement et développement territorial (GEDT) et l'Institut Confucius de l'Université de Genève.

"Heritage has today become a globalized category involving multiple forms, categories and national phenomena. If current global forms predominately have European origins, they have within the last few decades become appropriated on a massive scale, yet also rearticulated and reshaped by Asian countries (Winter and Daly, 2012). If Asia just a couple of decades was considered underrepresented on the global scene, heritage-making in Asia today, in some regards at least, outpacing other regions, yet also leading to new ways of thinking and practicing heritage.
This workshop explores the nature of heritage, its universalities and particularities in distinct Asian contexts. Are there specific Asian processes of heritage-making and how do they manifest themselves in different heritage arenas? What characterizes the forms, meanings and approaches in terms of similarities and differences across heritage in both tangible and intangible forms? How are these articulated and what are the specific forms of silences, negotiations and contestations this leads to? We aim to explore particular national processes and heritage practices with a particular focus on how heritage is considered, forgotten, contested or silenced at local, regional and national levels."