Sustainable Taiwan


15e conférence annuelle de l'Association européenne d'études taïwanaises (European Association of Taiwan Studies). Université de Zurich, RAA G 01 / G 15, Rämistrasse 59, Zurich

Rhyme and Metre, Repetition and Numbers
Structural Features and Mnemonic Effects in Early Chinese Texts


Conférence du Prof. Dr. Yang Zhiyi, Université J.W. Goethe, Francfort Université de Zurich, Asien-Orient-Institut, ZUB 416, Zürichbergstrasse 4, Zurich "Nanjing, a city that served as the capital of multiple Chinese dynasties, has experienced repeated cycles of prosperity and conquest. Stephen Owen has explored how its poetic history has transposed the actual reality of the city, turning it into a “site of memory”. In this talk, I examine how “meditating on the past” after the Rape of Nanjing became virtually impossible. In particular, the weight of memory at Nanjing was reflected in the classical-style poems by poets in Wang Jingwei’s collaborationist regime, established under the Japanese patronage at Nanjing in 1940. For a regime struggling with its own legitimacy, “meditating on the past” would suggest that it, too, would suffer from the fate of conquest. Their reaction to the burden of literary tradition ranged from self-defense to whistful denial, but most commonly a pregnant aphasia. The ways in which Wang and his followers treated this topic become therefore a case study on the complex of cultural memory, political legitimization, and literary representation in occupied China."

Once Upon a Time in the East


Lectures avec illustrations et films par Mme GUO Xiaolu Kulturzentrum Songtsen House, Albisriederstrasse 379, Zurich


Magic Strings of Pipa

Concert de Mme YANG Jing, virtuose du pipa Kirchgemeindehaus Bassersdorf, Gerlisbergstrasse 4, Bassersdorf

15 Jahre Leidenschaft
ChinaHouse Basel sammelt Kunst jenseits des europäischen Fokus

ChinaHouse Basel Hauptstrasse 120,  , Sissach

Exposition «Wir präsentieren erstmals eine Auswahl unserer klassischen chinesischen Kunstsammlung, die in den letzten 15 Jahren ungeachtet des Mainstreams in Europa bezüglich chinesischer Kunst entstanden ist. Ausgestellt werden Werken von HE Cilian, LI Ziyu, LIANG Guorong, LIANG Jianhua, JIANG Xianjiao, WU Zhicheng, YI Huachang und ZHONG Rurong. Alle Künstler leben und schaffen heute in China.»

Cultural Democratisation and Taiwan Cinema

Conférence de Mme Ming-yeh T. RAWNSLEY 蔡明燁, Center of Taiwan Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Université de Londres. ZUB 416, Zürichbergstrasse 4, Zurich

Die Reise nach dem Westen


Lecture par Mme Eva LÜDI-KONG Vortragssaal, Park-Villa Rieter, Musée Rietberg