100jähriges Bestehen des Roten Kreuzes in China
2004-03-12 Jiefang Junbao
Das chinesische Rote Kreuz (RC) hat am Mittwoch sein 100jähriges
Bestehen gefeiert. In einer aus diesem Anlass veröffentlichten
Schreiben hieß es, in dem Jahrhundert seit dessen Gründung
habe das chinesische RC eine wichtige Rolle im Bereich der humanitären
Hilfe und bei der Unterstützung von Katastrophengeschädigten
sowie bei der Ausbildung von medizinischem Personal und Rettungssanitätern
gespielt. Seit 1987 habe das chinesische RC über 2,7 Mrd.
Yuan Spenden erhalten und damit über 100 Millionen Katastrophengeschädigten
in China helfen können.( )
6 corrupt senior officials sentenced in 2003
2004-04-10 Xinhua News
A total of six former ministerial-level officials were sentenced
on charges of job-related crimes last year, and China's chief
justice and procuratorate-general both pledged Wednesday to
intensify efforts to crack down on corrupt officials according
to law. The six former high-ranking officials included three
former provincial governor or deputy governors, one former vice
chairman of a provincial committee of the Chinese People's Political
Consultative Conference (CPPCC), one former president of a provincial
higher court, and the former president of the China Construction
Bank. The penalties on them range from death sentence with a
reprieve,life imprisonment, to 12 and 15 years behind bars,
according to previous reports. They were among of a group of
537 government workers at countrylevel sentenced on the same
charges last year, said Xiao Yang, president of the Supreme
People's Court. The courts of the country handled a total of
22,986 cases involving government workers' job-related crimes
last year, Xiao said in his report on the Supreme Court's work
at the annual session of the National People's Congress, the
Chinese version of parliament. ( )
Nuclear reactor put into operation
2004-03-10 China Daily
The No 2 reactor of the second phase project at the Qinshan
Nuclear Power Plant -- independently designed and built by China
-- joined the nation's electrical power grid and began generating
power at 12:18 am Thursday.Li Yongjiang, general manager of
the Nuclear Power Qinshan Joint Venture Co Ltd, called the success
a milestone on China's way to increasing the proportion of localized
technology and design in its construction of new nuclear power
generators. ( )The arrival of the four new nuclear power generators
alone is expected to increase the proportion of nuclear power
in the country's total electricity from the present 1.3 per
cent to more than 4 per cent.
Central China province to send medical teams to AIDS-hit
rural areas
2004-03-09 Xinhua News
Central China's Hubei Province plansto send 10 medical teams
with a total of 30 workers to its 21 AIDS-stricken areas to
help curb the spread of AIDS in the region. The teams will begin
work at end of this month, according to a working conference
held Tuesday. The medical workers will go to rural areas hit
hard by the disease to offer anti-virus treatment and help put
an end to AIDS transmission from mothers to their babies. They
will also help train local medical staff for the designated
hospital for AIDS patients. ( ) Official statistics show that
there were HIV-positive 1,301 people at the end of 2003. The
first infected case was found in 1988 in the province.
Mental crisis center to help stop suicide
2004-03-.09 Xinhua News
A mental crisis treatment and rescue centre, the first of its
kind in China, will be set up soon in Nanjing, capital of East
China's Jiangsu Province. To be established by Nanjing Brain
Hospital, the centre will have three departments - a mental
crisis and suicide intervention centre; an emergency centre;
and a mental disease centre. A hospital official surnamed Guo
said the first department is made up of two sections - one for
outpatients and a free hotline (862583712977) for psychological
advice; and the other which is responsible for treating people
who try to kill themselves. "Our hospital has a long history
of providing psychological advice and mental healing for those
people who want to commit suicide," said Guo, adding that
a suicide intervention centre set up in the hospital in 1991
was the first in the country. It is estimated that since then,
the centre has succeeded in preventing about 1,600 people from
committing suicide. Statistics show that about 280,000 people
kill themselves each year nationwide and about 2 million attempt
suicide, of whom 80 per cent do not seek any medical help. The
hospital has had an intensive care unit from 2001; and a department
of mental diseases since it was founded in 1947.
Rising sex disproportion sparks concern
2004-03-08 China Daily
Some 30-40 million marriage-age men in China would live a singles
life by 2020 if the practice of CT gender screening in the embryo
stage is not held in check, said Li Weixiong, vice-chairman
of the population, resources and environment committee of the
national committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative
Conference. "This is by no means a sensational prediction,"
said Li. "The great disparities between male and female
newborns mean a serious threat to building a well-off society."
"The disproportion of male to female has become more and
more serious, especially in the rural areas," Li said in
a keynote speech at a full meeting of the on-going CPPCC annual
session, which opened here last Wednesday. Li quoted the figures
of previous population censuses as saying that the newborn gender
ratio was 100:108.5 in 1982, 100:111.3 in 1990 and 100:116.9
in 2000 in the country as a whole but it reached as high as
more than 100:130 in Hainan and Guangdong. Whereas the normal
proportion is 100:104-107. If the situation is allowed to continue
unchecked, there would be 30-40 million marriage-age men who
would go singles all their lives by 2020.
Shandong tightens control over Internet cafes
2004-03-06 People's Daily
Shandong Province has tightened control over Internet cafes,
closing down more than 3,000 illegal ones last year. Related
authorities in the province made an overall inspection of the
Internet cafes last year to close down the illegally operated
ones, according to an official in charge of the provincial cultural
affairs. The number of Shandong's Internet cafes has decreased
from over10,000 in 2002 to the current 7000, said the official.
Shandong had standardized Internet cafe management in terms
of scale, location, operation hours and surveillance software.
The province will continue its strict supervision of Internet
cafes this year, the official said, meanwhile promoting the
development of chain Internet cafes.
Beijing opens hotline to help young sex assault victims
2004-03-08 Xinhua News
China's first helpline for girls who have been victims of sexual
assault has officially opened in Beijing, receiving 60-odd calls
already. The line, set up by Beijing Forestry University and
Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, aimed to help minors deal
with the psychological results of an attack and live normally,
He Minghua, project manager, was reported as saying by Monday's
Beijing Youth Daily. "Cases of sexual assault against girls
have been soaring in China, and victims are often confronted
with great social pressure, which adds insult to injury,"(
Human rights to be enshrined in Constitution
2004-03-08 Xinhua News
China's top legislature, the National People's Congress (NPC),
kicked start a landmark Constitutional amendment which is expected
to enshrine human rights protection for the first time Monday
afternoon. ; "The State respects and protects human rights,"
says the new expression to be added to Article 33 of Chapter
Two of the existing Constitution, which has undergone three
overhauls since its promulgation in 1982. ( )"It's a consistent
principle adopted by the Party and the State to respect and
protect human rights. The inclusion of human rights protection
in the Constitution is also "conducive to the development
of China's socialist human rights undertakings, as well as exchanges
and cooperation with the international community in the human
rights field," said Wang in his explanation. Actually,
the 15th and 16th National Congress of the ruling Communist
Party of China (CPC), convened in 1997 and 2002 respectively,
have explicitly stated the Party's commitment to respecting
and safeguarding human rights, Wang noted. While maintaining
an annual economic rate of more than 8 percent over the past
25 years, China has signed 21 international human rights agreements,
including the International Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights. With the United Nations economic, social and
cultural rights covenant already ratified by the national legislature
in February 2001, Chinese President Hu Jintao pledged during
his France visit earlier this year that the Chinese government
would also propose the ratification of the other UN rights covenant
when time was ripe.
Steigt die Zahl der Arbeitslosen weiter an?
2004-03-11 Renmin Ribao (Übersetzung)
Im Bericht der Regierung hatte Ministerpräsident Wen Jiabao
die Schaffung neuer Arbeitsplätze als ein wichtiges Ziel
der Regierung bezeichnet. Allein in diesem Jahr sollen in den
Städten und Gemeinden 9 Mil Arbeitsplätze neu geschaffen
werden. 5 Millionen sind für die Wiedereingliederung von
Arbeitslosen vorgesehen. Die Ausgaben der Regierung für
die Beschäftigungsförderung sind in diesem Jahr fast
doppelt so hoch wie im Jahre 2003. Diese vor dem Volkskongress
bekräftigten Massnahmen werden auch von den Mitgliedern
der Politischen Konsultativkonferenz des chinesischen Volkes
(PKKCV) begrüsst, die noch bis zum Mittwoch in Beijing
tagte. ( )
Protection of rural migrants' rights urged
2004-03-09 Xinhua News
Although China has been dedicating to working for the legal
rights of rural migrants seeking jobs in cities, implementation
of these policies remain unsatisfactory and the country is in
urgent need to enact a law to protect their legitimate rights
-- this is a view shared by deputies to the top legislature
Tuesday. Rural farm workers, also named "migrant rural
workers", have created enormous wealth for the society
and their status of "industrial workers" should be
recognized, said Ren Zhenglong, member of NPC Agriculture and
Rural Affairs Committee. ( ) Premier Wen Jiabao vowed to solve
the problems of defaulted construction costs and wage arrears
for migrant workers in the construction industry within a span
of three years in his government work report at the opening
of the Second Session of the Tenth NPC last Friday. Wen, who
helped a countrywoman to get back her husband's defaulted salary
of 2,000 yuan (about 240 US dollars) late last year, urged substantial
measures taken to ensure that rural workers in cities be paid
on time and in full. He also called for closer attention to
tackle their wages issue. All unreasonable limitations imposed
upon rural farm workers inurban areas be lifted, and basic social
insurance provided for them, according to deputies, who echoed
Chinese leaders' resolve to help the migrant rural workers.
Relevant proposals also add to the law with such expressions
as those in "supporting and encouraging rural migrant workers
to sell and transfer land-using rights on a voluntary basis."(
Legislature vows to strengthen supervision
2004-03-10 Xinhua News
It is the primary task of the National People's Congress (NPC)
and its Standing Committee, China's top legislature, to strengthen
and improve its supervision over the government and judicial
organs in 2004, Wu Bangguo, chairman of the NPC Standing Committee,
said here Wednesday. "We should explore still better ways
of supervision and further improve our supervisory mechanism
in order to promote a law-based administration and judicial
justice," said Wu in a report on his Committee's work over
the past year to the ongoing annual full session of the lawmakers.
The top legislator noted that the NPC Standing Committee this
year would carry out the enforcement inspections of laws pertaining
to animal epidemic prevention, land management, compulsory education,
trade unions and statistics. ( )
Top leaders urged military modernization
2004-03-11 Xinhua News
Jiang Zemin, chairman of Central Military Commission (CMC),
called on the country's armed forces to get fully aware of the
changing situation, accelerate the pace of modernization, perform
their sacred mission of safeguarding state security and national
unification, raise the level of a regular army and provide a
powerful backing to the nationwide efforts to fight for the
goal of building a well-off society in all aspects and opening
up a new situation in building socialism with distinct Chinese
characteristics. Jiang made the call at a panel discussion with
a group of NPC deputies representing the country's armed forces
during the ongoing Second Session of the Tenth National People's
Congress (NPC). President Hu Jintao was present at the discussion
in the capacity of CMC vice-chairman. After lavishing praises
on the armed forces for the outstanding achievements over the
past year, Jiang Zemin encouraged the armed forces to make new
contributions to modernizing the army, safeguarding state security
and national unification and building a well-off society in
all aspects with a high sense of political responsibility and
in high spirit in 2004, which, he said, is crucial in performing
the Tenth Five-Year Plan.( )
Military spending to swell reasonably
2004-03-08 China Daily
China plans to increase defence spending by 11.6 per cent this
year, a move analysts say is in tune with changes in the international
security situation, new trends in military modernization and
the need to support the country's peaceful development. The
defence spending growth is beneath any fuss both in its absolute
value or its proportion of the country's total gross domestic
product (GDP) considering the security situation in the world
and modern military development, said Luo Yuan, director of
Second Office of the Department of Strategy Studies of Academy
of Military Science of the Chinese People's Liberation Army
(PLA). Budgeted military spending of 21.83 billion yuan (US$2.6
billion), submitted to the national legislature on Saturday,
accounts for about 1.7 per cent of China's GDP volume, lower
than the world's average of 3 per cent. China's military expenditure
only makes up only 8 per cent of the country's total financial
expenses, lower than the world's average of 15 per cent. Per
capita military expenditure of the United States is nearly US$300,000,
and the figures in Britain and Japan are nearly US$200,000,
compared with China's US$10,000.