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The reemergence of China over the last 40 years has been impressive. The country is now in real terms the second economy in the world, and may even be the first if its GDP is readjusted for purchasing power parity. Some Chinese companies like Huawei in telecommunication equipment, Lenovo in computers and Haier or Hisense in electric appliances, have developed a world-wide presence. Others, like Alibaba in e-commerce, China Mobile in telecommunication services, or SAIC in the car industry, have developed dominant positions inside the country thanks to massive scale effects. What will the future of the Chinese economy be? Since 2010, China’s growth has regularly decelerated, and the country faces several challenges – inequalities, pollution, an ageing population and shrinking work-force, mounting debt and internal and external politics – which might prejudice the future. However, China is firmly on the world R&D map, Chinese outward foreign direct investment (FDI) has exploded since 2004, and the New Silk Road initiative – One Belt, One Road (OBOR), appears to be a new engine of growth. We have gathered a group of experts to express their views on three important issues: China and technology creation, China and OBOR, China and outward FDI. We will address questions such as: Will China be condemned to incremental innovation? In which technological domains can China lead? Will OBOR continue its development along the expected lines? Will it be beneficial to foreign countries as well as to China? What exactly are Chinese companies looking for when they invest abroad? Will companies like Chem China, after buying huge targets Pirelli and Syngenta, continue to invest outside China?

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