CH in SHA 2003
CH in SHA 2003

The Consulate General of Switzerland has launched a broad promotion of Switzerland in Shanghai in the autumn months of this year. We are happy to be able to introduce the famous Swiss ensemble Piano Seven.

Do not miss this unique performance on the following day:

Date & Time: October 2, 2003, from 19:15
Venue: Shanghai Yi Hai Theatre, 211 Kangding Rd, Yi Hai Mansion, Shanghai
Ticket: CNY 60,100,140,180 and 220
Ticket hotline: 6256 8282, 6256 0606, 6255 8096

Swiss-based Piano Seven was founded in 1986 by pianists François Lindemann and Sebastian Santa-Maria. The two pianists had been playing as a duo for six years when they decided to carry out an experiment which was meant only for one concert: that of gathering seven pianists to play their own compositions especially composed or arranged for seven instrumentalists. Success was immediate and the overwhelming responses from the audience resulted in a second concert and the foundation of the ensemble.

While all seven pianists possess a classical music background, they trace their musical roots back to jazz. Both jazz and classical aesthetics influence the group's original compositions. Its works are evocative of romantic, classical and modern European music, contemporary jazz, tango and circus music with improvisation. Each piece is conceived as a mini - concert for pianos and soloists, emphasising the individual sense of improvisation, composition and musical stage direction. The performance also makes use of lighting to create a magical atmosphere, enhancing the music of the gout.

Since 1990, Piano Seven has expanded its artistic possibilities by inviting one or two soloists from the classical or popular music scene to perform with them in their concert series. These guests are encouraged to exercise their influence on the music of the group, generating the ideal which Piano Seven aims for: a musical style that goes beyond the traditional and existing concepts of what pianos can achieve.

Piano 7's performance in Shanghai is part of a promotion the Consulate General of Switzerland in Shanghai has organized in an effort to bring Switzerland's best to Shanghai. More information is available on The Consulate General wishes to thank the following partners and sponsors of the promotion
CH in SHA 2003. Without them the promotion could not take place:

Firmenich, Fracht Ltd. Basel International Freight Forwarders,
Holcim Ltd., Logitech, Lufthansa German Airlines

Gold Sponsors:
Winterthur Insurance (Asia) Ltd.
Shanghai Golden Bund Real Estate Co. Ltd.,
owner and developer of the Bund Centre and the Westin Hotel Shanghai

Silver Sponsors:
Geberit Plumbing Technology Shanghai Co. Ltd., Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd. Shanghai,
Metalor, Rieter Textile Systems (Shanghai) Ltd., Sarnafil,
Shanghai Roche Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Mathys China

With the strong support of


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(*) Note: Information by courtesy of the Consulate General of Switzerland in Shanghai
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