New Demographic
in China and Shanghai Region: Socio-Economic Challenges
Shanghai Flash N° 4/2004 pdf-version
By the end
of 2003, China's population stood at 1.29 billion, accounting
for 21% of the world's total population. Its family planning
(one child) policy has been implemented since the end of the 1970s
and has led to a reduction of 300 million births during the last
thirty years, with the birth rate continuing to decline. In 2003,
the net population increase was 7.7 million with a birth rate
of 12.41‰ and a natural growth rate of 6.01‰, compared
to an increase of 23 million persons per year at the end of the
1960s and early 1970s. As the most populous country in the world,
China only has 7% of the world's arable land, 7% of fresh water,
3% of the forests and only 2% of oil resources. The strong population-control
efforts of the government have supported its rapid economic growth
recent years.
As a result
of this birth-control policy, within 30 years the demographic
characteristics have now changed from a “high birth rate,
low death rate and high growth rate” to a “low birth
rate, low death rate and low growth rate”, a transformation
that took many developed countries nearly one century to complete.
However, this
fast transformation has also led to disadvantages in the population
structure, mainly in two respects – an ageing population
and an imbalance in the sex ratio, which will lead to new problems
and challenges, but at the same time, will also create new potential
business opportunities.
I. The
Ageing Population
1.1. General
China has
become the country with the fastest ageing process in the world
and the largest population of senior citizens. Currently China
has more than 130 million senior citizens who are above 60, more
than 10 percent of the total population. By the middle of this
century senior citizens in China will be exceeding 400 million,
making up one fourth of the total population, whereas it takes
twice that long for developed countries to cover the same process.
speaking, the declining fertility and the increasing longevity
have contributed to this growing “white tide”. Over
the last fifty years, life expectancy of the Chinese population
has kept growing, from less than 40 years before 1949 to 71.4
years at present, approaching levels in developed countries. The
population pyramids below show the ageing process is changing
China's pyramid by growing larger and larger segments in
the higher age brackets.

1.2. Social
Security System
Basic Old-Age Insurance
The growing
ageing population has put mounting pressure on China's pension
system. According to the China Statistics Yearbook 2003, pension
payment at present is drawn from the current year's income,
an accounting-on-cash-basis system that relies on a relatively
young population structure. However, China will not have a sufficiently
large young workforce to pay the social benefits for retirees
with the rising burden of dependency in the near future.

In 1997, the
Chinese government unified the basic old-age insurance system
for enterprise employees in urban areas across the country by
implementing a social-pool-plus-personal-accounts scheme. The
government, instead of the enterprises, took the responsibility
to pay pensions for the retirees. However, there were many employees
retired before the start of the new system as well as many laid-off
workers during the SOE reform whose personal accounts were empty.
The government had to inject fiscal subsidies to pay for them
during the transitional period. Meanwhile the contribution revenues
from individual accounts were also diverted to pay for the deficits
in the social pooling thus leaving the personal accounts empty
as well. Therefore China's pension fund has so far been
in deficit since the very beginning. The current annual deficit
is estimated as around UD$ 20 billion. Till 2010, the accumulated
deficit will reach UD$ 110 billion, according to a report by McKinsey
(Pitsilis, 2002).
National Social Security Fund
In an effort
to build up reserves for future pension payments, China set up
a National Social Security Fund in 2002. By the end of June this
year, the total fund assets amounted to 143.2 billion Yuan (UD$
17.3 billion) – but still not sufficient compared to the
future needs of China's ageing society. President Xiang
Huaicheng of the National Council of the Society Fund (NCSSF)
said earlier this year that China's pension problem could
basically be solved only if the fund reaches 2 trillion Yuan (UD$
240 billion). Following his comments, Xiang announced a proposal
on 17th September this year, that more than 12 trillion Yuan (UD$
1.4 trillion), nearly one-tenth of China's State assets,
will be transferred to the Social Security Fund within five years.
The proposal was a response to the white paper titled “China's
Social Security and Its Policy” issued by the Information
Office of China's State Council on 7th September, the first-ever
white paper in this field that showed the effort by the Government
to improve the country's social security system.
Enterprise Annuity
In addition
to the compulsory basic old-age insurance, the Chinese government
has encouraged the enterprises with suitable conditions to set
annuities for their employees. In 1994, the National People's
Congress promulgated the Labour Law stating that employers may
sponsor supplementary pension insurance for their employees in
their own context. Both enterprises and individuals will contribute
to this annuity, which will be accumulated wholly for the specific
purpose of retirement allowance and managed in the form of a personal
account. Therefore a preliminary outline of China's pension
system was formed: compulsory basic pension insurance including
social-pooling fund and personal accounts, occupational complementary
pension (enterprise annuity) and personal savings. With the reform
of the pension system, in the longer term the personal accounts
would be separated from the basic pension insurance and converged
into enterprise annuities. The enterprise annuities would become
the most important source of income for many retirees. But by
the end of 2003, only about 7 million people have taken part in
the enterprise annuity project, accounting for less than 10% of
the basic pension insurance contributors in the country.
1.3 Social
Security Fund Market
Both domestic
and foreign companies have shown great interest in China's
social security fund market, lured by the market potential and
the growing demand for professional services in this sector.
The National
Council for Social Security Fund released the long awaited result
for the 2nd round selection of fund management companies in late
October to add another four companies together with the previous
six as its fund investment managers to help to run the UD$ 17.3
billion strategic reserve social security fund. Several joint
venture fund management companies, including ABN AMRO Xiangcai
Fund Management and Fortune SGAM Fund Management had applied for
the position, but failed. So far, there are two joint-venture
companies among the ten approved fund managers.
As part of
China's commitment to the World Trade Organisation (WTO), foreign
institutions are allowed to do securities and fortune management
in the country. But the limits put on these activities are still
very strict.
The second
round competition began with the enterprises' annuity fund, which
is operated in accordance with the market mechanisms. According
to the Administration of Enterprises Pension Funds trial procedures
started effectively from 1st May 2004. The Fund is now worth 50
billion Yuan (US$6 billion) and is expected to grow to 100 billion
Yuan (US$12 billion) in a few years.
Within China's
WTO commitment the annuities market will be open to foreign insurers
at the end of this year. A new regulation for the enterprises
annuities fund management is expected to be released in November
this year, which will set up the exact market entry thresholds
for fund managers and clarify the standards and liabilities in
the investment management.
Chinese fund
management companies are competing strongly to win the licences
to manage the enterprises pension fund. Technically speaking,
it is not much of a problem for a foreign company to enter the
market, as there is a high demand for quality and professional
investment management service as people are much concerned about
a stable and good return of their pension fund.
This year's
policy loosening allowed qualified domestic insurers to invest
their foreign exchange assets overseas. A government official
said recently that a new regulation allowing social security funds
to invest in overseas securities will also be released next month.
II. Gender
to the fifth national census conducted in 2000, the ratio of new-born
males per 100 females in China has reached 117, much higher than
the normal level of between 103 to 107. In some provinces, the
ration topped at 100:130.
The one-child
policy and Chinese preference for male heirs have played a major
part in this disparity, while prenatal sex selection of unborn
children is the main reason for the result. Technology, such as
ultrasonic scanning to predetermine the sex of an unborn baby,
still leads to the abortion of unborn females in some cases.
Many reasons
lead to the outmoded notion of male preference. As elderly people
in rural areas are not covered currently by the social security
system, they mainly rely on the family for old-age support. Secondly,
young male labour force is still a great asset in agricultural
regions due to the backward productivity of agriculture. Meanwhile,
China's traditional male-oriented culture and differentiated
treatment of different genders in real life also contribute to
the biased mentality.
Such disparity
will not only hurt female new-borns with unfair treatment, but
will also raise a series of social problems. It is estimated that
by year 2020, 40 to 50 million Chinese male aged 20-40 will not
be able to find wives. It is feared already now that this unbalance
will probably lead to casual sex and human trafficking.
these large numbers of unmarried, often undereducated young men
form part of the floating population moving between China's
urban cities. They also are prone to engage in high-risk sex,
which leads to increased levels of sexually transmitted diseases.
In 2003,
the HIV-positive population in China was 840,000. The disease
is now at the critical point of spreading from the high-risk to
the general population. Without strongly effective measures, the
infected numbers will increase to 10 million persons by the year
2010. This serious situation coinciding with the high-risk population
of unmarried men will pose a huge treat to China's sustainable
economic growth.
III. Situation
in Shanghai
3.1 Demographic
As China's
economic, financial, trade and shipping centre, Shanghai accounts
for 0.06% of the country's total area, but its population,
standing at 13.42 million in 2003, accounted for 1.27% of the
country's total.
The natural
demographic change in Shanghai has exclusively sustained negative
growth for the consecutive 11 years since 1993. Thus Shanghai
is the first city in China that has entered the stage of an ageing
society, facing the dual pressure of ageing and an advanced ageing
structure of the population. The city's average life expectancy
was 79.8 years old in 2003, much higher than the average 71.4
years life expectancy in China. By the end of 2003, the senior
citizens of age 60 and above reached 2.5467 million, accounting
for 18.98% of Shanghai registered permanent residents and those
of age 65 and above hit 1.9949 million, accounting for 14.87%,
which indicates that ageing in the city has reached the average
level of developed countries. It is forecast that in the coming
period of time, the percentage of Shanghai's ageing of population
will further grow.
Despite of
the negative natural growth rate, the overall population in Shanghai
has sustained rapid expansion, owing to the constant influx of
a migrant population. The number increased from 1.06 million in
1998 to 3.87 million in 2002, ranking second in the country, just
after Guangdong Province. In order to further attract a young
and skilled workforce, Shanghai has launched a new residence permit
policy since 1st October 2004, giving migrant workers with fixed
labour contract in Shanghai nearly the same treatment as registered
citizens in the fields of education, insurance and pension plans.
3.2 Challenges
and Opportunities
Market Potential for Products for Elderly People
An investigation
by the China Research Centre on Ageing showed that 42.8 percent
of ageing people in urban districts possess savings. The percentage
in Shanghai is much higher with its per capita GDP hitting US$
5,642 in 2003, ranking number one in mainland China. Most of the
savings and the accumulated retirement pension will pour into
the market.
the exploration of products for the market created by elderly
people has drawn the attention of many business people. Anti-ageing
products, tonics, garments and other age-related products appear
on the counters. New vacations and services designed especially
for ageing people such as tourism and gymnasia have emerged as
well. However, the quantity, quality and style of the products
still lag behind those for women and children.
Due to the
high diversity of China, there is no unified single Chinese market,
but many different markets in different areas for different types
of consumers. Elderly people in Shanghai tend to pay more attention
to the quality and taste of life, therefore there is also demand
on high quality medical service, cellular therapy, high-end cosmetics
and garments as well as overseas tourism. Additionally, the family
size in Shanghai has tended to miniaturisation with only 2.8 members
each family in 2000. Unlike traditional Chinese family, many elderly
people in Shanghai live by themselves. It is forecast that small
apartment with elderly-caring facilities and service will be in
large need in the near future.
Shortage of Migrant Workers in Some Areas
Since the
end of the Spring Festival this year, many cities in China, especially
in the Pearl River Delta, are facing the problem of lacking labour,
both in numbers and in skills.
Due to the
hukou (household registration) system, migrant workers
will not be accepted as full members of urban communities even
if they have worked for years in the cities. Therefore they will
not have the same access to jobs, education, health services,
insurance and social welfare benefits. In some areas the working
conditions of migrant workers are very poor. Unpaid wages, increased
cost of living in the cities, as well as lack of basic employment
benefits are all contributing factors for the shortage of this
labour force.
Another reason
for the migrant workers not to return to the cities is the new
policy of the government directed at raising rural incomes and
improving the economic situation in the countryside.
So far the
situation in the Yangtze River Delta is better. A series of new
measures has been taken by the authorities to protect the rights
of migrant workers. The average monthly payment in the Yangzi
River Delta is about 8.5% higher than the national average. As
a result, migrant workers “vote with their feet”.
The movement has severely hit the manufacturing industry in some
Shanghai has
a relatively strong government, proven by its impressive performance
in the fight against the SARS disease in 2003. The series of new
policies published by the government, such as the new residence
permit policy, as well as insurance and pension plans for migrant
workers, has created a comparatively open and fair environment
and have attracted higher-skilled workers. As a result, it is
not easy any more to find skilled employees on different management
levels in neighbouring cities like Suzhou and Ningbo, although
business costs are lower there.
However, with
the process of an ageing population, it is a long-term task for
the government to attract and provide job-training for a large
pool of skilled workforce, both urban and migrant, and constantly
improve its productivity.
High Density of Population
The population
density in Shanghai remains the highest in China with 2,588 people
per square kilometre. In addition, the population is unevenly
distributed. The villages in the suburban areas are small and
the residents are too scattered, unfavourable to the rural modernisation
drive. On the other hand the density in the downtown areas is
too high. There are over 50,000 people per square kilometre in
Huangpu, and 40,100 people per square kilometre inside the inner
ring. The strongly concentrated population in the downtown areas
has resulted in considerable environmental and severe transportation
IV. Conclusion
China has
grasped the demographic bonus for development over the last two
decades. The huge pool of labour force has provided the necessary
entry-level man-power for the industry when China started taking
off after 1978. Furthermore, large amounts of bank savings deposited
by the younger population are continuously supplying the heated
investment needed for development. In the meantime, increasing
incomes and relatively low dependency rates encourage spending
on housing, automobiles, education, tourism and other services.
However, China's favourable demographics will start to turn
against its booming economy within several decades when the country's
population is getting older. Related authorities have already
put the task of seeking solutions of the demographic changes at
the top of their agenda. The Government has already shown its
strong effort for better education and health care. It is very
likely that this huge human capital investment will help China
to work its way through the age structure. Nevertheless, the per
capita education duration in China is now only 7.85 years, a level
of education achieved by the U.S. 100 years ago. There is still
a long way to go, before trained labour in sufficient numbers
and sufficient quality should help the country to go on with its
economic and social development.
Stella Nie
General of Switzerland
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