N°126 |
December 2014 |
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The story of the month covers Ministry of Education in China launched a series of reforms around Gaokao. In science and technology, Scientists have produced the first space - based 3D printing machine in China. An Environmental Protection Law launched by the Chinese government, which plans harsher punishment for offenders. China's first multifunctional offshore engineering ship that can operate 3,000 meters under the water was put into operation. In education, Ministry of Education allows college students to suspend their studies to start up their own businesses. More Chinese teenagers tend to study in U.S. The Ministry of Education will implement stronger scrutiny over the university system's leaders. A new MOOC entitled Design and Discovery for the online education of science instructors was launched in China.
N°125 |
November 2014 |
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The story of this month covers China's master plan to reform research funding management. In science and technology, a UN space science center was set up in Beijing, China is considering to allow foreign GMO research, China's Tianhe-2 super computer retains top rank for the 4th times, China's R&D expenditure reaches record high last year, China to build global quantum communication network in 2030, China's moon prober safely returns to earth. In education, Shanghai Jiaotong University publishes university ranking in Greater China; flow of Chinese graduate students to the U.S. slows.
N°124 |
October 2014 |
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The story of this month covers “Modern Apprenticeship” to be promoted in China. In education, a report indicates China online education will keep a rapid development in the next a few years. In sciences, Chinese hybrid rice yield hits new record. Chinese scientists achieve breakthrough in stem cells study. A Chinese research team discovered cancer-killing virus. A crucial component of the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) finished installation. Dongfeng and Huawei launched a project together to develop internet-enabled cars. The Chinese government is readying shakes-up of how it doles out science funding.
N°123 |
September 2014 |
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This month's newsletter starts with a brief overview of the recently announced reform plan for China's college entrance examination, or “gaokao”. In science, the importance of incorporating 3D printing in traditional manufacturing industry is being emphasized by Chinese researchers. China will cooperate with Europe and Russia on manned space program. The institutional reform of Chinese Academy of Sciences caught the attention of Nature. In education, MBA programs in China are becoming popular worldwide. Foreign experts are facing tighter requirements. SAT reform in US stirred debate in China.
N°122 |
August 2014 |
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The story of the month covers the Chinese Academy of Sciences' complete reform of its structures. In science, the world's deepest underground lab was launched by Tsinghua University and Yalong River Hydropower Development Company; a new network will be initiated to monitor the quality of China groundwater; China is preparing to launch an experimental recoverable moon orbiter; Tianhe-1A, one of the world's fastest supercomputers, is serving in the construction of new "smart cities"; China's Ministry of Agriculture has decided to restrict research groups to grow genetically modified (GM) rice and corn. In education, The Chinese Academy of Sciences decided to provide more funding support to foreign researchers; Jiangsu Province announced to increase scholarships for overseas students.
N°121 |
July 2014 |
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The Story of the Month focuses on the first group of bachelor students admitted to the prestigious University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. In education, public discussions how wealth gap is dividing college entrance exam's future. South China University of Science and Technology, or China's first autonomous university issues diplomas to its first two graduates who both plan to continue their study abroad. In science and technology, China's smartphone leader Xiaomi announces its first wearable device. China plans to build its own super collider. China plans to launch HD observation satellite later this year.
N°120 |
June 2014 |
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The Story of the Month focuses on China's strategic plan for vocational education development. Also in education this month, the national college entrance examination takes place; state media published editorial to address questions and doubts over Confucius Institutes. In science and technology, China invests heavily on protein research; China eyes to become high-tech exporter; China looks to “hack-proof” quantum communications in the post-snowden era.
N°119 |
May 2014 |
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The story of the month features Chinese government's new policy to encourage university student entrepreneurship. In science and technology, the Swiss government's venture lab program will bring 10 Swiss technology start-ups to China for business development. Stem Cell research in China raises ethical questions. After Xiaomi, another local innovative smart phone Smartisan has been announced. China's online payment giant Alibaba will move into healthcare sector. In education, Peking University announces prestigious international master program. China's leading private education company to offer online courses.
N°118 |
April 2014 |
8 p. |
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The Story of the Month presents the recent launch of a new MOOC platform in China and the plan to develop MOOC-based degree programs in Shanghai. In education, the Melbourne and Tsinghua University are about to establish a virtual campus. Universities begin new recruitment system as part of the education reform in China. In science and technology, China has issued its first space activity assessment report. China is to develop Linux-based OS system after Windows XP shutdown. In health, China's healthcare reform poses risks and opportunities for foreign firms.
N°117 |
March 2014 |
9 p. |
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The Story of the Month presents the recently announced reform in vocational education in China which highlights the upcoming establishment of university of applied sciences. Also in education, Chinese University of Hong Kong's plan to establish a campus in Shenzhen is approved by the Ministry of Education. Renmin University opens China's first public diplomacy research center. CCDI inspection team started residence inspection at Fudan University. In science and technology, Agriculture Minister announced China's GMO approach. China overtakes Japan to top the Nature Public Index ranking. In innovation, mobile phone payment as an innovative approach in finance sector is being cracked down by the finance authorities.
N°116 |
February 2014 |
10 p. |
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The Story of the Month presents an overview of the domestic platforms for massive online open courses MOOCs in China. In science and technology, China's Lunar Rover wakes up after experiencing malfunctions. China is said to launch a 5 year study into the West Pacific Ocean System, aiming at strengthening ocean research. More than 50 science and technology officials in Guangdong province arrested for corruption. In education, Gorge Washington University abandons its potential plan to build campus in China.
N°115 |
January 2014 |
10 p. |
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The Story of the Month presents Beijing's new policies for technology transfer in universities. In education, China's first “bureaucracy-free” university, the South China University of Science and Technology, got a former police chief as Party Secretary. Statistics found that fewer students from rural area had access to top universities in China. Experts explained reasons behind Shanghai children's outstanding performance in PISA tests. In science and innovation, the Chinese Academy of Sciences establishes 5 centers of excellence. China tops Europe in R&D intensity in 2013. Chinese internet users switched from Weibo to Wechat.